32 vs 32 Hoth Ball Bowl - 02/12/2023



Good Evening Beyonders!

Join us before the big game this Super Bowl Sunday for our own big game;

SWG Beyond: Inaugural 32 vs 32 Hothball Bowl!

In Hothball damage, heals, and kills are nice… but it's goals that win the game! So @everyone with a faction that is level 75 and above no matter gear, experience, or profession is invited!

The best part is the bragging rights, as the winning faction will be memorialized on a trophy that will be on display for everyone to see in game.

Event: Inaugural Hothball Bowl
Date: Super Bowl Sunday (02/12/2023)
Time: 3:00 PM EST
A sign up will be posted in @PvP on the day.

We hope you all can make it this Sunday!
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